Fix: Slave_IO_Running: No
Make sure your master is up and running , then login to slave server and slave stop wait for a minute slave start keep an eye on /var/log/mysql.lof for any errore
Make sure your master is up and running , then login to slave server and slave stop wait for a minute slave start keep an eye on /var/log/mysql.lof for any errore
With Microsoft Outlook 2007, it’s possible to leave a copy of each message on the mail server after you read it. You’ll want to do this if you read e-mail in Outlook and another program (or our Webmail system). If you don’t do this, Outlook will delete the message copy from our servers as soon as it connects, and […]
Check the logs: less /var/log/mysqld.log Log file is empty. I don’t even know how to debug it and not sure what to do. but my log says there is no free hard drive space and guess what , my /var partition were full
To assign an IP address to an interface you would use: ifconfig eth mask Where eth is the interface name. An example of this would be: ifconfig eth0:1 mask or Simply ifconfig eth0:1
The best bet will be installing mailwatch and release from the web interface, if you dont have mail watch try this worked for one machine sendmail -toi < /var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine/YYMMDD/[spam|nonspam| msgid]/message
The default configuration file for iptables based firewall under RHEL / CentOS / Fedora Linux is /etc/sysconfig/iptables. # vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables Add extra lines in red # Firewall configuration written by system-config-firewall # Manual customization of this file is not recommended. *filter :INPUT ACCEPT [0:0] :FORWARD ACCEPT [0:0] :OUTPUT ACCEPT [0:0] -A INPUT -m […]
In the following example, we have 2 gateways to the internet and we have 1 default route. In this scenario, the default route(the link that all traffic will go out to), is WAN1. We want only SMTP/email traffic to go out via WAN2, but all other traffic to follow te default route via WAN1. The […]
To Read/Write/Format NTFS from Mac OS X, here are some alternatives: For Mac OS X 10.4 or later (32 or 64-bit), install Paragon (approx $20) (Best Choice for Lion) For 32-bit Mac OS X, install NTFS-3G for Mac OS X (free) (does not work in 64-bit mode) For 64-bit Snow Leopard, read this: MacFUSE for […]
There seems to be a bit of confusion about configuring SQUID to transparently intercept SSL (read: HTTPS) connections. Some sites say it’s plain not possible: Recent development in SQUID features have made this possible. This article explores how to set this up at a basic level. The SQUID proxy will basically act as a […]
Squid https transparent proxy setup with SSL Let’s understand first how squid proxy works in transparent mode. While setting up squid as a transparent proxy we can forward the entire request coming from port 80 to squid server’s port i.e. 3128 by default. When we talk about port 80 it means http protocol. What if […]