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Install remi repository for yum centos

Enable the remi repository The remi repository provides a variety of up-to-date packages that are useful or are a requirement for many popular web-based services. That means it generally is not a bad idea to enable the remi repositories by default. First, open the /etc/yum.repos.d/remi.repo repository file using a text editor of your choice: sudo […]

install ntp centos

Login as the root user Type the following command to install ntp # yum install ntp Turn on service # chkconfig ntpd on Synchronize the system clock with server: # ntpdate Start the NTP: # /etc/init.d/ntpd start

apple developers site got hacked

A Turkish security research, Ibrahim Balic, claims that he was behind the “hack” but insisted that his intention was to demonstrate that Apple’s system was leaking user information. He posted a video on Youtube which appears to show that the site was vulnerable to an attack, but adding “I have reported all the bugs I […]

Install and configure DNS bind chroot in centos 6

1. Install Bind Chroot DNS server : [root@centos64 ~]# yum install bind-chroot bind -y 2. Copy all bind related files to prepare bind chrooted environments : [root@centos64 ~]# cp -R /usr/share/doc/bind-*/sample/var/named/* /var/named/chroot/var/named/ 3. Create bind related files into chrooted directory : [root@centos64 ~]# touch /var/named/chroot/var/named/data/cache_dump.db [root@centos64 ~]# touch /var/named/chroot/var/named/data/named_stats.txt [root@centos64 ~]# touch /var/named/chroot/var/named/data/named_mem_stats.txt [root@centos64 ~]# […]

configuration of network

Configure network interface in Centos make sure your OS detected network card # dmesg |grep eth eth0: RealTek RTL8139 at 0xf8cee000, 50:67:f0:5e:ac:2f, IRQ 21 edit network configuration file for eth0 # vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 # Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ DEVICE=eth0 BOOTPROTO=static HWADDR=50:67:F0:5E:AC:2F ONBOOT=yes IPADDR= NETWORK= BROADCAST= NETMASK= restart network service # service network restart or […]

Post by mail to your wordpress blog

Post by Email is a way of publishing posts on your blog by email. Any email client can be used to send the email, allowing you to publish quickly and easily from devices such as cell phones. Generating a Post by Email Address Before you can publish by email, you must generate a special email […]

use Local CD/DVD-ROM as your yum repository

This will very useful when you are running on slow internet connection. Instead of go through the internet connection, it is possible to use Local CD/DVD-ROM as your yum repository. 1. Insert DVD/ISO into DVD-Drive. 2. Mount the ISO from the DVD-ROM into /mnt directory : [root@centos62 ~]# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt mount: block device /dev/sr0 […]

setup web server centos with apache

Install Apache, Mysql , PhP Web Server # yum install httpd mod_ssl #/etc/init.d/httpd start # yum install mysql mysql-server # chkconfig –levels 235 mysqld on # /etc/init.d/mysqld start configure mysql Set the MySQL service to start on boot chkconfig –levels 235 mysqld on Start the MySQL service service mysqld start Log into MySQL mysql -u root Set the […]

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